During our Michigan trip, I did some reading for fun (which has become a rare activity, sad to say). A lot of the reading I did was children's literature, but the books were all new to me, so that was still nice. There was one book that I was just getting started by the time we left. It was about HeLa, a lady who unwittingly "donated" some of her cancer cells and ended up getting those cells duplicated over and over, long past when the donor herself was alive. Mom, can you remind me of the title and author of that book so I can track it down here? It was from the library.
This book about people from different parts of the world kept Eli's attention, but Joes was distracted. No big deal.

Oma has the full attention of Eli and Joes.

David is a pro- he can get all three boys to listen. (Although, they all look pretty tired, so that might help.)

This was their favorite part of this Winnie the Pooh book. Can you tell what the picture shows? It is pretty funny.

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