A little more than a week ago, this new year started. It seems like it has been a lot longer than a week though. Since that time, we are getting back into a routine of work. Things are really starting to pick up with my dissertation progress, and I am feeling some stress from it. The past several days, I have been working nights. I don't think it is the most healthy schedule, but when I get stressed, I often feel like I can focus more at night, when the whole world is asleep. Brian has been keeping my company a lot of the time, since he says it is hard for him to sleep when I am awake working. Anyway, I just sent off a large amount of work to my advisor for review this morning, and I hope to get back into a normal sleep schedule in the next day or so. We didn't sleep last night, but we hope to stay up all day today so we can sleep tonight (and probably go to bed early).
Here is a picture of the beautiful morning sky a couple days ago, right before I went to bed (after working all night):

Right now, we have a special guest at our house named Ginger. She seems to be doing okay here--the first night was a bit rough and I don't think she knows what is going on, and if her owners will be returning. They will be back on Thursday evening, so I am sure she will be a happy lady then.
Ginger likes to wrestle. She definitely has a puppy's energy.

Ginger can be quite attentive. Here Brian is asking her to give him a high five (she did).

Here Ginger is showing Brian that she knows how to shake hands.