Last week, I was in California for several days visiting friends and family. My first stop was at Michelle and Jamie's house in Petaluma. Petaluma is a beautiful area, with coastal hills and lovely weather. Michelle and I went to Point Reyes. It was a really nice trip, despite the fog. We had a lot of fog right on the coast, so we couldn't always see the sea. We did see lots of happy California cows, as there are many ranches at the point.

We did have some breaks in the fog, as seen here:

The fog is rolling in again behind me. The water on the left of the pic is the sea, while the water on the right is a cove of sorts.

The trees grow sideways because of the wind.

It was really interesting to see several pieces of whale brill in the small museum/ranger station.

These plants were tenaciously holding onto the rock.

Lovely coast, with fog:

This building's white paint was covered by bright orange algae on two sides. The historic lighthouse stands behind this building, but the light and horn are now mounted on this smallish house.

Here is the lighthouse from the top of the steps. The orange house stands just behind and a little lower, out of sight. The fog is thick, so it is hard to see the water.

Some whale bones:

Cow in the mist:

Deer in the mist:
Thanks for all of these! The fog is just as we remember it in summer at the coast. We were also at Point Reyes a few years ago--so pretty.
Dad H
What a fun trip to CA :)
I bet that orange algae is lichen, and I like your animals in the mist series!
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