Friday, February 4, 2011


Brussels died at 2:30am at home. Sometime around 10pm he became unresponsive and our attempts to bring him out of this state were not successful. For 4 and a half hours we gave him doses of karo syrup and liquid dextrose but he never came back around fully. At 2:30, lying in a tshirt on my chest, his breathing gradually slowed until he took a final breath. I don't think he was in pain. I hope he wasn't.

Brussels was the first ferret to live with me for over 5 years. He would have turned 6 next month. He was an attentive friend and a playful brother to Rex, Eve, and Chewbacca, and to Tang and Bear in years passed. He was smart and quirky and he fought hard to the end. Looking at his things around the house it is clear the void he has left behind. We will miss him deeply.

Rest in peace, Brussels.


Douglas Underhill said...

Man, I'm sorry. That's awful.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps in another realm Brussels is now waiting for you, and imagine the joy that will bring both of you.

Anonymous said...

Brian and Hanneke,
Sorry for your loss. We are thinking of you