Saturday, July 10, 2010

4th of July

We hope everyone had a great 4th of July weekend. Brian and I relaxed at home a lot over the holiday weekend. We did go out to see the fireworks over the Hudson River. We also had some traditional 4th of July food, like hamburgers and cole slaw. I made us some special holiday tarts too. These are based roughly off of a couple different pie recipes (including Anne's strawberry pie). They have a cream cheese-based layer at the bottom and the top is rasberries and blackberries covered with a rasberry glaze. Yum!

The tart interior:

We watched the fireworks from Hoboken, which is the next city to the north. We are at about mid-Manhattan (still below Central Park). The Empire State Building has the red, white, & blue lights. Once the fireworks started, we discovered that they were actually being shot off further north, so we had to move a bit further up the river. We didn't want to go too far, so at least half of the fireworks were behind buildings for us. Still, what we saw was pretty impressive. And our view was directly behind an American flay, which seemed like an okay thing to block part of your view on the 4th, you know?
(Please excuse the pictures--it is hard to take clear shots at night.)

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