Carmel is quite close to Pacific Grove. One afternoon, I went to visit the mission there with my parents and Peter & Anne.
Me standing outside the old church:

There was a sanctuary, a couple small museum buildings, and an area where priests used to live. Peter & Anne are at the top of the steps below.

Here is the inside of the sanctuary. The pope visited this mission at some point, and there was a memorial stone laid into the floor where he had kneeled to pray.

The church exterior. The buildings were pretty, but I enjoyed the grounds just as much, if not more.
Peter, Anne, and Dad in front of a small museum:

A picture I took of Mom and me:
This lovely bit of architectural detail was on the back side of the building. I thought it was such a nice-looking stair.

Flowers in the mission courtyard:

More flowers, along the edge of the roof:

Inside the mission building, there was a dead priest entombed. I thought the top of his coffin was so interesting because of the bear he is resting his feet on. (It reminds me of the state flag somewhat.)
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