To go along with the news only posts from the last weeks, here are some pictures of this summer's happenings.
We moves from here:

To here:

We also went to a very nice going away party for Brian given by his work. There are several people who are leaving at some point this summer, so it was a joint party. There was a lovely chocolate cake for the occasion:

Along with many friends from the court, and plenty of Mexican food:

We have also been spending a lot of time with animals, both dogs and ferrets. Here you can see Eve, showing off her climbing skills by scaling the laundry.
The Tallahassee chapter in your autobiography is coming to an end, to be followed by one about NYC. In sum, you will have more friends in more places and the internet age will keep everyone connected in a way that my generation could never have imagined.
Someday there will be a little house for you, and I predict it will have flower gardens.
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Looks like a nice party! So when's the big moving day? We're going to be in Baltimore in August - I wonder how long it takes to get to NYC on the train....
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