This is Brian posting from Hanneke's computer. Yesterday I accepted an offer of admission from NYU for an LLM degree starting in August. So our plans are to move to either New York or a neighboring state in the coming months, most likely August. There are still many big questions not yet answered, including where we will live and how we will finance it. We do not plan to live in NYC because ferrets are illegal in the city itself (not the state). We have friends in the area who are helping us look at where to live (it seems like everyone knows someone in NYC, and we are also looking to our extended friends to help us research). In the mean time, we will begin to sell off most of what we own to prepare for the move.
In other news, I am still sick from our trip to Orlando. I probably got what Hanneke had before we left, though for me it is manifesting differently---I have a low fever, occassional ear pains, and some disorientation that Hanneke did not have. We both had a sore throat and lots of congestion. Hanneke had a persistent cough that I haven't had. I am feeling a bit better today, though I don't know if I'll try and go to work tomorrow because I don't want to spread it to others.
We enjoyed our trip to Orlando and I'll probably post about it soon.
11 hours ago
Congratulations , Brian.
Lots of changes coming up, We wish both of you God's blessing and wisdom in this time.
Congratulations on making it final! Sounds like it will be a fun year - my sister & her hubby really liked living there. A great place for people to come visit you too!
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