Hanneke and I are both back now from the triathlon and it was a success in both of our minds. We didn't finish first and we didn't finish last and we both met our own personal goals; mine was to not stop (to tread water/walk the bike/or walk on the run), and Hanneke's was to complete the triathlon and focus on her running.
For me, the hardest part mentally was definitely the swim and physically it was the bike. I was in the 29 and under group (measured from your birthday at the end of the year, so I just barely made this group). This group also contained the professional triathletes (there were some in other groups as well). Our group started second since the swim groups were released in waves. When the topdogs hit the water, I and a friend hung back a moment so I wouldn't get trampled. To my surprise, the swim was intimidating once I got out there. The water was choppy and I couldn't breathe at all. With dozens of people passing me and throwing water in my face (and mouth), and knowing that you were out in open water and the shore was far away, it was a challenge. The worst was the wetsuit; with it on, I couldn't take a full breath even when I tried. I won't wear one if I do another sprint triathlon. The wetsuit, as much as I loved that it made me warmer, was really very restrictive.
The bike was pretty physically demanding because of the endless hills. I think most of the ride was either going up a hill or down a hill. Unfortunately, the downhills were steep and so they ended quickly, whereas the uphills were often long and gradual. About half way through the biking, my ankle started hurting again, which I'd never had happen on a bike ride before. So I started the run a bit nervous.
The run was actually really enjoyable for me. I was able to pass a lot of people and my ankle didn't give me any real problems at all. It was on nice trails through the woods and they were quiet and peaceful. When I finished the run, I kind of wished I'd pushed myself harder since I wasn't that tired. I was happy to see the finish line.
After Hanneke finished, we went down to the food pavilion they had set up in the park and ate some stuff. They had great energy and health food. Hanneke had a sore neck when she woke up and the triathlon only made it worse, so she had a free massage (also set up for the triathletes). Then we packed up our stuff and came home (after dropping off our mountain bikes with Tim and Carla). Humorously, I am now icing my ankle and Han her neck.
All in all, we are both very glad we did it. Afterwards, we really felt like we were part of something positive. I might do one again next year, but if so I would definitely (a) not wear a wetsuit, (b) get a roadbike, and (c) try and get my ankle sorted out first.
Thanks to everybody for supporting us through this adventure. We were able to raise over $1000 to fight ALS, and that means the time was well spent. Thanks again for helping us make that happen.
12 hours ago
Good news and now I can stop worrying about those alligators and poison snakes in whose habitat you were swimming!
Congratulations to you both! That's a great accomplishment. I hope you're not too sore.
great job.Congratulations. Thanks for calling as well after the event.
have a restful weekend now Mom
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