One nice thing about Brian having a bit of extra free time over the past couple weeks is that he has been paying special attention to the flowerbeds in front of the house. As a result, the flowers are looking really good. This first picture shows the glads (bulbs planted several weeks ago). They are coming up strong, and the largest one in front is at least 8 inches tall at this point.

The snapdragons have also been appreciating the attention, especially the careful watering. Here you can see them, blooming away, in front of the glads.

Another view of the snapdragons...

And last but not least, these are the plants I put in when Brian was planting the bulbs. They are also doing well. with more flowers than when they were planted.
wow - you guys have a pretty garden! No green here yet, but it did warm up considerably this week. Photos from Florida remind us that spring is coming :)
it is nice to even see pictures of flowers.
I just started cleaning out the yard, and the bulbs are up, the rest will have to wait though.
Good luck with the triathelon
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