Wednesday, August 27, 2008

More post storm

I know Brian already did a post storm update, but I thought another one was in order, since it has been a few days. Since the tropical storm passed over us, drenching the whole region in rain, it has been quite damp. It is mid-summer here, so it rains every afternoon for at least a little while (usually around 3PM). This is normally not a problem, except that all of our drains in town are filled to capacity, so any rain means some flooding. There are still some large puddles I see at FSU and TCC. Most of the trees and other debris have been cleared away, but we are having a hard time getting rid of all the extra water. We are supposed to be limiting our water use in town, so the water treatment plant can catch up (they are running at 3x normal capacity right now), but occasionally, we do still need to do the dishes, take showers, etc. I'm sure eventually the water will go down and things will get back to normal, but it is a little frustrating that it is taking so long. And we are all watching the next storm closely, hoping that we don't get any more water, since our system is already filled to the brim. So, pray with us for hot sunny days with lots of evaporation!

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