It has been a while since I posted what's going on with my half of the world, so voila.
I've been pretty busy with work the last week or so. It fluctuates for me, since I approach and receed from large assignments, but I am currently in the "approach" phase. This means both that many projects of mine are now complete, but that some of the major ones are kicking into their full-blown "due" period. Which keeps me at work late.
I'm coaching a Moot Court team this semester for FSU. The team is competing in the competition I went to last year, so that is enjoyable. The issue is a complicated First Amendment fact pattern involving the military chaplaincy. It is engaging and, for the team in particular, overwhelming; the fact pattern invokes several First Amendment doctrines, which means a huge number of cases for them to learn and apply. They are doing well and they compete next week. Until the competition arrives, I'm usually gone in the evenings two to three times a week for a few hours.
Otherwise, I'm trying to relax when I can. I'm still working a second job at the Court, but less than 5 hours a week, sometimes no hours in a given week. I'm still helping Professor Gey, but he hasn't needed much from me lately. I'm working on a section of a Monograph for a subcommittee of the American Bar Association, which will be due in early March, at least a draft will be. After that, I hope to work on an article or two and begin to more seriously pursue my employment options for 2009. I am just starting to work on a dedication video for the Tri-For-Gey team.
Finally, as I've mentioned to some of you, I was recently considering whether to have bridge work done on my front six upper teeth. After some deep soul searching, I have chosen not to have the full bridge work done. The total cost would have been just over $6000, and I cannot justify spending that on myself for this sort of thing. I would not say it would be "wrong" for me to have done so, but I still feel it is the better choice to decline to choose that path. Instead, I am pursuing what may result in a similar appearance but that is over $4000 less. What is right for me is not necessarily right for everyone, but under my view of what is just and admirable it would be inappropriate for me to spend that much on myself given the current state of the world. I am not necessarily consistent in my philosophy when I'm spending a dollar here or there, but that doesn't mean I shouldn't try to be consistent when I can. It was a very hard decision, and I am very appreciative of the detailed, well-reasoned thoughts many people sent me on the topic. I confess that most people told me I should do it; your wisdom was not lost on me. I felt I had to chose a different way; knowing you nevertheless supported me made that choice easier.
I'll talk to you all soon I hope.
22 hours ago
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