Although we already have solar lights outside, we still stop by to look at the selection and compare different models.

As we headed to the car to go to Home Depot, I noticed that the bulbs I planted a couple weeks ago had come up! This was unexpected, to say the least. Here you can see the bulb plants.

Brian is planting the bulbs he got at the store, behind the bulbs that have already sprouted.

One major item we bought was soil to raise the level of the yard up to the level of the driveway (there is a major drop in most places. We just wanted to get started in the area closest to our front garden, since the rest will be done when our yard gets sodded (or so our landlady says). We also removed the assorted rock border and experimented with brick placement for a new border between the garden area and the area that will one day be a lawn. To finish it off, we got some mulch to go around the bulbs in an attempt to discourage the weeds. This is the finished scene, at least for today.

It was fun to work on this. We did, however, buy too little dirt, too little mulch, and far too few new solar floodlights (i.e. none).
And those bulbs will look very cool, doubting-Hanneke!
You guys will enjoy being homeowners. It's nice to get some practice now :)
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