As you can see, our camera is working again. The battery was dead and the battery charger lost, so we finally caved and bought a new charger. It came in the mail yesterday, so today, we have some new photos!
The first shot is of Brussels looking out the window. Our temperatures have been getting cooler, especially at night, so we can have the windows open and turn the AC off (finally). I think it gets into the 60s in the evening, so we have been enjoying the cool temperatures. The ferrets are really interested in the windows when they are open. They like to sit in the window sill and look out (lots of new sights, smells, and sounds).

This picture shows the ferrets' newest toy, which came in a box from David and Rachel on Thursday. The ferrets enjoy playing with their new toy a lot! We are supervising their play to make sure they don't chew the hamster figure off the rope, though. :)

Here you can see Rex and Eve playing tug of rope with me and their newest toy. Thanks D&R!

I know I posted a picture of the new ferret cage, but this picture actually has our ferrets in it. Two ferrets are in the top level, one is in the second level, and one is in the very bottom. Brian is just opening the doors to let them out. As usual, Rex is awake and waiting to come out, while the others are still asleep.

Here you can see the ferret gate we got for the ferret's playroom so we could get rid of the door. The gate opens and closes, so we can have it open when they are in their cage and closed when they are out (it looks like we have an escapee in this shot). We had to put linoleum on the front of the gate because the ferrets could use the holes to easily climb the gate otherwise.

This last picture shows our front yard. Brian got some nice copper lights that are solar powered to line the front area. Also, we got a hose so we can now water the yard. We watered today because I planted some bulbs that I hope will bloom in the spring. The bulbs are planted behind Brian, between the large plant and the railing. The next step is to get some top soil and grass, which our landlady wants to do this fall, now that it is getting cool (you can see in the picture that there are some patchy areas).