So we finally got our pictures off the new camera and onto the computer. The next few days, I suspect there will be several new posts with pics of various events.

Here is Josiah with David and Brian at the community pool. They have a pretty cool interactive fun center for kids, and I think Joey had a good time climbing all around, turning knobs and throwing balls, etc.

This is a picture of me with Eli. He cannot swim much yet, but he still likes being in the water. He was a happy baby when in the pool, splashing and smiling and laughing.

Here we can see father and son 'reading' on a Sunday afternoon. Josiah is a much faster reader than his dad, and so he is almost finished with his book already.

Brian and Eli--just hanging out.
What great pictures - thanks.
Nice pictures! I have a cute one of Hanneke and Eli from our camera... I'll have to e-mail it to you when I get home.
Please do email that picture to me, Anne. I have a picture for you too, which I will send your way soon. :)
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