When Brian's family visited Tallahassee, we took them to Wakulla Springs. Here we are in front of the main building, the Lodge. The simulated moonscape comes from the rock that the camera is sitting on. As you can see, we were in two teams: the blue team and the green team. :)

We saw some incredible wildlife on the boat tour. Here you can see a deer eating leaves at the edge of the river. I had never seen a deer at Wakulla before.

Here you can see a group of turtles sunning themselves on a log. This is a common sight, but it shows how our new camera has a lot better zooming capabilities than our old camera. Turtles are cool.

Florida is known for its aligators, and here is a prime example. This gator is also sunning on a log. When they do that, it makes for good pictures because they are very visible.

These ducks may seem unimpressive after the last couple shots, but they are my favorite species to see at Wakulla. There is one duckling in this shot, between the two adult ducks. Nice!