Saturday, October 2, 2010

Dam Visit

On Friday, Karen and I went to the Hoover Dam, which is on the east side of Columbus, for a walk. It was a beautiful day and we enjoyed looking out at the water and walking over the dam. Here are a few pictures from that day:

After the water goes through the dam, it forms this little river.

Here is the water rushing out of the dam:

This is the other side of the dam, with the reservoir:

Like I said, it was a really nice day. This would be a really pretty spot to visit again once the trees get some fall color.

We saw this odd little thing on the water and were curious about what its purpose is. There is a logo on the side, but I couldn't make it out. It seemed too small for a boat, but too elaborate for a bouy. Brian thinkes that the black panel is a solar panel and that this device might be used to monitor water quality. Any other guesses? And does anyone recognize that round blue logo?


David said...
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David said...

I think Brian is right that it a data collection station. The solar panel is nice because otherwise battery life dictates how often someone has to take a boat out and change them. I would guess it is taking all kinds of monitoring data (temperature, dissolved oxygen, conductivity, salinity, other ions?).