This week, we have been enjoying lovely weather - really, just ideal. It has been sunny, I have been going out without a coat, and we spent all day Wednesday with all the windows open.
I am afraid the current weather is only a short break from the winter though. A couple weeks ago, we had a huge ice storm in this area. It was quite spectacular to look at, and I managed to get a couple photos of the ice (despite it being night). Here are a few pictures from that time (which seems oh so distant now).
Icicles on the porch railing:

The tree in the foreground usually blocks our view a bit (which is okay b/c it stops people from looking in our windows too). Here it is weighed down so much with ice that it is resting entirely on the ground. We were worried that all the branches would snap off, but by the next afternoon, a lot of the ice had fallen off and the tree had sprung back up.

View out the wondow of everything coated in ice. All the cars had a thick coating, but the ice peeled off in sheets once the inside was warmed up (of course, you needed to work to get the doors open).

More icicles:

It was pretty trecherous walking around for a while, since the ice was so thick that your feet didn't crunch through it when you walked. Now all this ice and snow is long gone, and it is sunny and green. I am ready for spring.