The ferrets are a lot of fun, but lately they have become obsessed with climbing the back of the computer (where all the cords plug in) to get onto Brian's desk. Eve even got up there and knocked a glass of water onto Brian's keyboard, which meant we were off to the store to get a new keyboard soon after. Now we try to remember that no place is safe from climbing ferrets.

Brian was feeling a little pips last week, so here he is snuggled under a blanket. The ferrets love to explore blankets, so they are coming up to see what he is doing. You can see it was a beautiful day, and we had the windows open.

Here Brussels and Rex are playing with the tube. Brussels has just leapt over the tube (center of picture), and Rex is zipping out of it (to the right).

Brian decided to clean out his closet this week, so here is the result (the closet is clean, but the clothes are on the futon). He did do some good sorting and pulled out a lot of items to go to Goodwill. The rest will (eventually) make it back into the closet. The ferrets enjoy climbing the pile of clothes and burrowing into it. I can see three of them in this picture. Can you?