Sorry it has been so long since we posted--this month has been very crazy schedule-wise. After Brian's graduation, we went to Disney for a week with his parents and brother. Then we came back to Tallahassee to move (Mon-Thurs). After attending a work social event for Brian's work on Thursday evening, we took off driving to visit family Friday morning. We did a whirlwind tour, seeing my parents, my brothers and their families, B's grandma, B's grandpa, and B's parents. We arrived home early Memorial Day. Brian started work the next day at 8:00AM. Whew.
So how are things now? Well, we still have a LOT of boxes sitting around. I am working my way though many of them. We have the bathroom and kitchen pulled together, with lots of new organization items, so everything will be tidy. The ferrets have their own room that is mostly set up so they can play safely. Our bed is not yet put together, since there are too many boxes still in the bedroom. (We have been sleeping on the futon next to the ferrets.) We haven't found a couch for the main room yet, but there is no space for it yet either. B's computer was acting funny the last few months, so we have a new one in a box in the middle of the main room, adding to the clutter. I hope to post pictures soon, but that will have to wait until the new computer is put together so we can install the downloading software on it (our camera is filled with pictures!).
I am still job-hunting, but I am mainly keeping busy trying to impose some order on our belongings and running errands (to Target for laundry detergent, groceries, the Chemistry building, the Anthropology department, the post office, to Goodwill with yet another load of stuff, etc). Brian has a fulltime job now, and he also has started studying for the BAR. According to his co-workers, they studied several hours at work and 4 hours in the evenings in order to pass the Bar, so he is trying to match their efforts. It is quite a stressful event, since his job and salary depend on it, so he will have his head full of law details until late July.
Tomorrow I will have the joy of paying 2 rent checks, since our old place has not been sublet. :(
21 hours ago